Internetwork Security & Web Analytics (3171616) Summer 2022 GTU Paper Solution - ISWA

Internetwork Security & Web Analytics (ISWA - 3171616) Summer 2022 GTU Paper Solution for GTU BE Information Technology SEM 7 Student: Question 1 (a) What is host based security? Explain. Host-Based Security: Host-based security, also known as host-based defense or endpoint security, refers to the approach  of securing individual computing devices (hosts) such as servers, workstations, laptops, and other  endpoints within a network. The primary goal of host-based security is to protect the integrity,  confidentiality, and availability of data and resources on a specific device. This approach focuses on  implementing security measures directly on the individual hosts to mitigate risks and prevent  unauthorized access or compromise. Key Components of Host-Based Security: 1. Firewalls: - Host-based firewalls are software applications that monitor and control incoming and outgoing  network traffic on a per-device basis. They can enforce security policies to...