Write a java program to multiply two floating point numbers

Java program to multiply two floating point numbersIn the below program, we have two floating - point numbers 3.4f and 1.5f stored in variables first and second respectively.Notice,...
September 26, 2023

Java program to check leap year

Write a java program to check leap yearLeap year contains 366 days, which comes once every four years.Every leap year corresponds to these facts:A century year is a...
September 21, 2023

Java program to find all roots of a quadratic equation

Write a java program to find all roots of a quadratic equationThe standard form of an equation is:ax2+bx+c=0Here, a, b and c are real numbers and a can't...
September 16, 2023

Java program to find the largest among three numbers

Write a java program to find the largest among three numbersIn this program, we will find the largest among three numbers using if else statements.Let understand about Ternary...
September 11, 2023

Java program to check whether an alphabet is vowel or consonant

Write a java program to check whether an alphabet is vowel or consonantIn this program, java program to identify whether the given character is a vowel or not...
September 07, 2023

Java program to check whether a given number is even or odd

Write a java program to check whether a number is even or oddIn this program, enter any integer number as an input. Now we check its remainder with...
September 03, 2023