C Program to Read Students Record and Print it on Screen

Design a structure student_record to contain name, branch and total marks obtained. Develop a program to read data for 10 students in a class and print themIn this...
December 23, 2021

Define a structure called cricket that will describe the following information

Define a structure called cricket that will describe the following informationPlayer nameTeam nameBatting averageUsing cricket, declare an array player with 5 elements and write a C program to...
December 20, 2021

C Program using structure for time format

C Program using structure for time formatDefine structure data type called time_struct containing three member’s integer hour, integer minute and integer second. Develop a program that would assign...
December 14, 2021

Define a structure type struct personal that would contain person name, date of joining and salary using this structure to read this information of 5 people and print the same on screen

Define a structure type struct personal that would contain person name, date of joining and salary using this structure to read this information of 5 people and print...
December 02, 2021

Write a C program using global variable, static variable

Initialization of global and static variables in CWrite a C program using global variable, static variable.In C language both the global and static variables must be initialized with...
December 02, 2021

Write a program to read structure elements from keyboard

Write a program to read structure elements from keyboardStore Information and display it using structureIn this program, a structure book is created. The structure has three members: Id(Int),...
December 02, 2021